News and Insights from Motivational

Leadership Spotlight: Tony Altman

Written by Motivational Fulfillment & Logistics Services | Jul 12, 2024 6:12:51 PM

Motivational Leadership Spotlight: Tony Altman on Family, Career, and Checking Your Ego at the Door 

One of the things our customers often tell us they like about partnering with Motivational is the family feel of the organization. Our customers value the personalized attention they receive, and take comfort in the fact that our leadership knows the industry so well. This all makes sense considering Motivational has been family-operated since its start back in 1977.

Motivational's President and CEO, Tony Altman, literally grew up in the organization as his father founded the company when Tony was a young child. Tony has worked in every area of Motivational.

We spoke to Tony about his experience with Motivational—read on to hear what he had to say about his journey within the company, how he’s grown over the years, and the Motivational difference.

Journey Within the Company  

Tony Altman has worked in every area of the company. On the warehouse side, his experience includes:  

  • lumping containers 
  • picking orders 
  • labeling boxes 
  • driving a forklift 
  • running the night shift 

He has also worked in sales, operations, HR, legal, finance, and more.  

“It’s important to understand every aspect of our business, and there’s no better way to do that than to work in every area.” Tony says of his comprehensive experience. Tony adds, “I’m also a firm believer in never asking someone to do something you wouldn’t do yourself. I think the fact that I have been out in the warehouse working with most of our employees at one time or another really boosts morale and contributes to the family culture.” 

Interviewer: What was the most challenging obstacle you've faced at Motivational, and how did you overcome it? Conversely, what has been the most rewarding experience of your tenure here? 

Tony Altman: The most challenging personal obstacle I faced while at Motivational was continuing to run the company after my father and sister had retired. From the day I arrived, I always had the benefit and pleasure of working with my family. Running 7 facilities totaling more than 3 million square feet can be stressful, and having my family around to share the burden was always nice. I was able to overcome this obstacle by counting on the unbelievably talented team we have at Motivational as well as by supplementing and building out the executive team to help support our growth. Although my immediate family was no longer there on a day-to-day basis, my Motivational Family was still there, and they are what really make us so special.   

The most rewarding experiences of my tenure can be split into two buckets. On the customer side, it’s creating long-lasting partnerships and helping our customers successfully grow their businesses. For example, our top three customers have been with Motivational for 24, 10 and 16 years, respectively. All three started as small, family-owned businesses— and all have grown exponentially, with two of them now being publicly traded on the NYSE and the third being a part of an international consortium that produces household appliances and is the world's largest manufacturer of cookware.  

On the company side, we have had the honor of working with some amazing people and have been able to help them start and grow their families. We have contributed to vehicle and home purchases, college tuition, weddings, IV fertilization treatments, and, unfortunately, funerals. We have seen some of our staff start in entry level positions and grow into DC managers and executives. This has been the most rewarding part of it for me.   

Learning and Growth  

Interviewer: The logistics and transportation industry is constantly evolving. How do you stay up to date with new technologies and best practices?  

Tony Altman: With 46 years of experience, we have developed an amazing network of customers, vendors, partners and consultants. We are members of several industry associations and groups and attend many trade shows dedicated to operations, automation and technology. We keep in touch with industry partners to ensure we have our finger on the pulse of the logistics industry. We pride ourselves on implementing custom solutions in our facilities that meet each customer’s unique needs. Our industry is not one size fits all. Each solution needs to be carefully tailored to service the customer’s particular needs and advance their individual business objectives.    

Interviewer: Have you mentored any colleagues throughout your time here? If so, what do you find most rewarding about helping others grow in their roles?   

Tony Altman: We believe in promoting from within. Most of our staff that have achieved a supervisory or management role have started as warehouse associates and worked their way up through the ranks, working in many different departments to develop their skills and fill their toolboxes. I do my very best to make myself available to each and every Motivational employee. I have an open-door policy and always try to provide guidance, information, and support. The most rewarding aspect of helping others grow in their roles, whether it's through mentoring or assistance, is witnessing their development and seeing them overcome challenges.  

It's fulfilling to know that I've played a part, however small, in someone's professional growth and success.  In turn, the wonderful people here at Motivational have been instrumental in my growth, development, and success.   - Tony Altman 

Interviewer: What are some of the most valuable lessons you've learned throughout your 20+ years in the industry?  

Tony Altman: I’m fortunate—the most important lessons I have learned in this industry were taught to me by father. First, we are a customer service business. It is our job to assist our customers in any way that they may need help, and to do everything within our power to give them the very best possible experience. We should do more than simply meet our customers’ expectations; we should blow them out of the water.   

Second, always be a “can do” company as opposed to a “can’t do” company. Customers don’t come to us so that we can tell them “no.” When a customer asks for our help, it is our job to say “yes,” and then find a way to deliver stellar service to the customer related to that request. However, if you say “yes,” you better find a way to deliver and at the highest possible level.   

Finally, my father taught me that this is a relationship business. As President/CEO, I deal directly with our customers on a daily basis. Most have my cell phone number and text me on a regularly. Not just about business, but also about personal matters, achievements, or just to say hello.  

“Creating long-lasting, successful partnerships with our customers is one of the best parts of my job.” - Tony Altman 

Interviewer: What advice would you give someone just starting out in the warehouse or logistics field?  

Tony Altman: I think that really depends on what their aspirations are in the industry. For some, this is a part-time gig while they go to school or look for a different career. Others are happy with the position they are working in, and they have no desire to change roles. Then, there is the third group: those who want a career in logistics and want to advance and grow their career. I would advise those people to start in the warehouse and to do, and learn, every position in the company. If you are eventually going to lead as a supervisor or manager, it’s important to know what you are asking of those that you are leading. What’s involved from a labor, time and materials standpoint for your request. Having had direct hands-on experience with the task you are asking others to perform will make you a better leader.  

Check your ego at the door. I don’t care if you are lumping a floor loaded container, or if you are the President/CEO—we are all working together to deliver the best service level possible to the customer and to make the customer successful. By making the customer successful, the company is successful. Each and every person plays an integral role in this process, and no one is more important than the other.  

Life Outside of Work  

Tony Altman is a big hockey fan! He has been playing since he was 6 years old and it is his passion outside of work.

 Thanks for joining us for the first installment of our Employee Spotlight series!  

We hope you enjoyed getting to know our President/CEO, Tony Altman. He is just one example of the many talented and passionate individuals who make our team so great. Stay tuned in the coming weeks as we shine a light on more of our amazing employees and share their stories with you! 

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